Sicherheit für Alle! Fotos und JoG-Redebeitrag

Gestern haben wir zusammen mit vielen anderen Organisationen in München bei der Innenminister*innen-Konferenz demonstriert. Für Sicherheit für Alle! Sicherheit statt Angst vor Abschiebungen, Sicheres Wohnen statt Leben im Lager und Sicherheit vor Polizeigewalt. Alle Forderungen hier >>>

Eine JoG-Aktivistin aus Afghanistan hat in einem Redebeitrag auch auf die Situation von Mädchen und Frauen in Afghanistan aufmerksam gemacht. Hier ihr Beitrag:

Closed eyes, opened hearts and internalized pains seeking hope!

I am an Afghan girl who has left family and the beloved motherland because of Taliban. With Taliban’s rule not only the basic human rights are being violated in a dictatorship way of governing but also it is getting worse every minute as we gathered here. This horrifying group has limited the freedom of individuals and groups since they have taken over. The consequences of these limitations are mostly engaged with women’s life influencing the very basic human rights.

Taliban have forced Hijab in public spaces and media. They have also closed the schools for girls above age 13 which is equivalent to 6th standard. Taliban have also separated boys and girls at university in addition to the removing of liberating fields of studies in University Entrance Exam (Kankoor), forbidden women to drive and travel without being accompanied both inside and outside the country, closed sport clubs, and systematically removed women from all kinds of political participation. The women employees initially were promised to be given a women-only workspace but after a year of their rule, there are no trails of any change or promises come true rather they are limiting women day by day and many women are forbidden to work. They immediately stopped Ministry and Departments of Women Affairs across Afghanistan. With such a scenario, very sadly, the number of forced and child marriages grow and being normalized with no voice for this to be stopped.

The endeavors and fortune has turned into hopelessness and voicelessness. Apart from the limitations that Taliban have applied, they have committed war crimes against the ethnic groups and minorities as well as target killings of previous government employees and civil right activists. Subsequently, Taliban have committed genocides of vulnerable groups and ethnic group minorities which has increased recently. During the one year of their rule, the ethnic group minorities including Sikhs and Indians are being targeted and the remaining group members are leaving the country which is not only the loss of human resource and human rights but also the beauty of cultural diversity. In addition, the Hazara ethnic group has been suffering the violence, misbehaviors, discrimination, threats and genocides by Taliban and other extremist groups. During the rule of Taliban, such genocides and human right violation against Hazaras has increased. For instance, the deadly terrorist attack on Kaj training center in October, 11th 2022 in west Kabul reported by UN a total number of 53 casualties including 46 female students from Hazara community.

Such criminal records in the 21st century, an era of post-modernism are taking place and the whole world just watches and does nothing about it. The international community is silent against all these war crimes and human rights violation. Let’s all together have sense of solidarity upon this humankind responsibility and ensure meaningful sense of humanity. I am here to break this silence.

Let’s all open eyes and hearts and plant some hope

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